Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vaughn's prediction

A few weeks ago, we kept asking Vaughn if he thinks the baby is a "boy or girl?" or "girl or boy" and every time, he would say "geel".

Today, after Vaughn picked out his first toy gift for his little sibling, I asked him if he was having a sister or a brother. I haven't heard him every say either one of those words, but he answered, "sees-ha". Even tonight, we asked again, and the verdict is still that I'm having a girl.

We'll see if our little predictor is correct hopefully in the next few weeks!
On another note, I am still not 100% out of the woods with the whole being sick thing. I was sick twice this week but also had two good days. Two bad, two good, and the rest were in between. We're getting there!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stupid lung season

Soon after I moved to Arizona, the land doctors used to send people who had allergy and respiratory problems, I got pneumonia. Then I got it again and again and again. Yes, I've had it FOUR times in six years. When I found out I was pregnant with Vaughn, I also found out I had pneumonia so I got the shot. I should be covered until I'm in my 60's. That's quite a promise, but I'll take it.

The shot doesn't protect me from stupid lung season though. Well, that's what I call it. It shouldn't hurt to breathe but during this time every year, it does and I hate it. It's stupid.

This morning was quite fun. I woke up at 5:00am short of breath and took mini breaths, *read really fast: in and out in and out, in and out, in and out...which lasted for about two hours. I didn't even realize it because I was falling in and out of sleep. I finally got out of bed around 7, went to the restroom then blacked out as I came back in the bedroom. Thank goodness I was able to drop to the floor and drink some water Dave ran and got me before passing out. Following my fun twilight moment, I puked my brains out. Just kidding about the brain thing as I think I still have one in there, but I did throw up. a lot. Did I mention it was a fun morning?

In conclusion to this stupid lung time of year, I went to the doctor to make sure my blood pressure and everything was good because there is a baby in my belly that needs oxygen, too. He told me good news in that the shot continues to work because I don't have pnuemonia. The bad news is the only things he can give me to help me breath are class C meds and aren't the safest for pregnancy. But, if I can't breathe, that's not good for the baby either. I decided to take as minimal Albuterol as possible combined with as much prayer as I can get will be the perfect remedy. 

Come on, lungs, you're the only ones I have!  Oh, and talking to my lungs to let them know how I care for them and love them so they will let me breath pain-free again!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We're having a...

baby! That's all we know right now. We thought we would find out the sex as we did so early with Vaughn, but the baby doesn't want us to know yet! Our fourteen week ultrasound did go well though. Heart is beating at 160bpm, little fingers and toes are developing and we could clearly see the spine and profile. Dr. Sawyer had to get to an emergency c-section so he didn't spend much time getting the baby in perfect gender-finding position.

Our next appointment is in November. But until then, I think it's a girl because:

- The whole process...I'll leave that comment at that.
- I have been way more nauseous than with Vaughn. I'm still sick at least in the morning or afternoon every day. I haven't thrown up for over a week and a half though!
- The heartbeat has been way faster than Vaughn's - 180 then 160bpm (even though I know Dusty always had a fast heartbeat and he's a dude)
- The Chinese calendar said I'm having a girl. LOL!
- Every single person except Dave, my dad, and Jamie think I'm having a girl
and lastly, I'm petrified to have a girl and want another boy even though having a little girl would be oh so fun with bow and ribbons and tutu's! Oh, the tutu's!
- Oh, and my face looks like I'm a thirteen year old boy. Acne rocks! (not)

Friday, October 14, 2011

more first trimester symptoms...ugh!

Just had to record that I'm almost fourteen weeks and yet I started throwing up last weekend and have made trips to the bathroom everyday this week but today.

Okay, baby, it's called the second trimester for a reason. Second trimester means you start getting bigger, you develop fingerprints and lots of other fun body parts, mommy's belly starts growing large (that is definitely happening!) and the throwing up STOPS!

Exciting news though - we get to see pictures of the baby next Wednesday. We'll get to find out the sex. Daddy thinks it's a boy. I think it's a girl but did have a dream it was a boy two days ago. Five more days!

claiming ownership already

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I did a poor job of documenting how I felt in the first weeks of pregnancy so just in case I need to look back again, I wanted to make sure I knew what this was like!

Immediately after taking the test, I had:
- heartburn
- dry eyes
- super snotty sneezes
- exhaustion
- nausea. I know remember the nausea being this bad this soon last time. Starting two weeks ago, I have just been nauseous all day and night. I even dream that I'm nauseous! I had a dream that my dad was trying to order me some super gross food and it kept making me want to throw up but that's because in real life, my body was trying not to vomit in my sleep!

The past three days, I have found myself running to the bathroom, all at different times on different days. No consistency, whatsoever! Today was fun, during a meeting in our prayer tower (up a few flights of steps), I had to sprint down the stairs trying not to throw up on the carpet. Oh it was fun.

Here's to (hopefully) only a few more weeks of being sick!

Friday, August 5, 2011

We're ba-ack!

Another little baby DACT is starting to bake! We made the decision to try for another baby in May. Every month, I have waited until day 28 to find yet another friend.

Tomorrow is day 28 so being as anxious as I am, I decided to take a pregnancy test. Dave was out in the garage. I should mention that he happened to buy a minivan today! A 2008 Honda Odyssey. People kept asking me if that means we're pregnant which made me get more and more sad.


Dave came into our bathroom to find me behind a closed door in the toilet room. Yeah, we have a separate room just for the toilet. It's kind of weird, but nice at times. When I first peed on the stick, I saw the immediate negative line. I got sad and threw it in the trash can. This is when Dave came in to talk about the van. Just as I was leaving the toilet room, I checked the stick one last time and it was a +! I popped out of the bathroom with the stick still dripping and waived it in front of Dave's face. He gave me a big hug.

"Is it real? Do you think I'm pregnant? Should I go buy some more tests? I don't believe it." I don't remember being this doubtful when I got pregnant with Vaughn. But then again, I think it's because I couldn't think about it since I was so sick with pneumonia.
 Yes, I know it's gross to have a picture of the stick I peed on...
 but, let's face it...having a baby is sort of gross. It's all part of documenting this whole process!

So here I am. I think I'm three going on four weeks pregnant. IF I am, the due date is three days before Grammy's! Woo Hoo!

Well, we'll see how it goes after I take 10 more tests tomorrow. Ha!